O poeta Adalto Bezerra narra a história do coronel Bonfim, de quem se tornara agregado, recebendo dele as sobras de mesa da casa oficial e as sobras de cama da casa não oficial. É na lúbrica espera de querer se fartar com as sobras das suculentas manteúdas do coronel Bonfim, e na sua admiração sem limites pela figura política do seu protetor, que a história do poeta acaba se misturando com as obras de Jorge Amado, numa trama que culmina com política de cabresto, bordéis, traição e vingança, refletindo o universo dos romances do escritor baiano, a quem o poeta-narrador acaba homenageando, com sua narrativa.
The poet Adalto Bezerra tells the story of Colonel Bonfim, from whom he had become an aggregate, receiving from him the table remains of the official house and the bed remains of the unofficial house. It’s in the lubricous expectation of wanting to be satisfied with the remains of Colonel Bonfim’s succulent concubines, and in his boundless admiration for the political figure of his protector, that the poet’s story blends with the works of Jorge Amado, in a plot that culminates with a policy of halter, brothels, betrayal and revenge, reflecting the universe of the novels of the Bahian writer, to whom the narrator honors with his narrative.
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