Roberto Gerin

Ricardo vai para a capital São Paulo, onde se envolve com a luta armada contra a ditadura militar, tornando-se ideólogo do movimento em que milita. Sua situação se complica e, perseguido, volta para o interior, indo se refugiar na casa de Maria, namorada que ele havia abandonado, há sete anos, para tentar a sorte na cidade grande. Maria, hoje casada, assume a responsabilidade de proteger seu grande amor Ricardo das perseguições da ditadura.



Richard goes to São Paulo, where he gets involved in an armed struggle against the military regime, becoming an ideologist of the movement in which he is a part of. His situation gets complicated and, persecuted, he comes back to the country, and gets refuge in Mary’s house, his girlfriend in the past, but that had been abandoned by him, seven years later, when he decided to try a new life in a big city. Mary, nowadays married, assumes the responsibility to protect her love of the past from the military persecutions.


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